NAG: Human Coward Coyote
A dystopian intro sets the tone and their hard post-punk does the rest and even if they repeat the chorus they don’t need to nag, I believe in them, they’re great. NAG – Crisis Of Faith

JAD FAIR: Fate Is On Our Side
My destiny is not decided yet. In other words; I will listen to this great buzzing guitar, the voice, and the rumbling rhythm. And of course the cheer squad. JAD FAIR, SAMUEL LOCKE WARD – Fate Is On Our Side

DEAD RABBITS: A Different Place
Psychedelic rock with electronic undertones, piercing guitar and a wonderful sound that takes us to new heights and that’s a place where we wanna stay. DEAD RABBITS – Keep Me High

GIRLO: Like The TVs Do
Noise pop with a clear chorus that without hypnotizing as a TV sometimes do, in a nice way makes you keep the beat and dig behind the screen. GIRLO – Like The TVs Do

R. RING: Def Sup
Soft beat with drums and bass which with various guitar elements and a slightly shady voice about a new relationship complements in a nice way. R. RING – Def Sup

COOL SORCERY: The Definitive Step-By-Step Dance Guide for Warlord Necromancers And Enthusiasts
Creatively exuberant alternative-punky rock that with playfull jerky moments makes you want to stay for more, even though the time is about to run out. COOL SORCERY – DETONATION