LONNIE WALKER: Cool Sparkling Water
Awesome indie pop with an electrified psychedelic touch makes it spin nicely in the skull, of which the body likes to follow the flow and dance along… LONNIE WALKER – Cool Sparkling Water

KLOTTER: Gula Stugan
A soft piece that lulls on with small interruptions for a bit of mess now and then, you easily be enamored in because they do what they like in a bored existence. KLOTTER – Gula Stugan

Greyish shades and sharp tones in a post-punk dark piece can make countless friends dance or dig without holding back. Not just those named Esther. SCATTERED ASHES – Esther

NEW STARTS, DARREN HAYMAN: Under The Striplights
Fresh spiky pop that fuses with lonely guitar rock and a desire for simplistic love, but most of all they just want us to like them, and we do. NEW STARTS, DARREN HAYMAN – Under The Striplights

In a peculiar and special piece with a dreamlike conversation about things often kept hidden inside, I get pleasantly enamored and put the player on repeat. WALT DISCO – Jocelyn

Like a noisy noise rock banger with frenetic drums and punk attitude or something like that or, uh, you can figure it out yourself but it’s awesome. MISTER STRANGE: Figure It Out

With an almost whispering voice in a fragile played piece where every part seems to be on a breaking point that makes me remember a darkness I embrace. KEE AVIL: Remember Me

THE CITY GATES: Lapidation
In rhythmic darkness I’m caught as in a recurring loop I have a hard time getting out of, which doesn’t matter to me as the atmosphere and song suit me perfectly. THE CITY GATES – Lapidation

Wonderful punk might be too neat for some, but if you like everyday realistic texts with humor and a nice twist, this is for you provided you can afford it. SERIAL CHILLER – Handsome Dad

NO MAN’S VALLEY: Chrononoaut Cocktailbar/Flight Of The Sloths
Love-filled song in an almost fairground dark piece that hits me with dramatic precision at the dead end I had wandered into, but now I ended up right. NO MAN’S VALLEY: Love