In a darkly toned down banger with a bubbly garage psychedelic groove, they create a lovely dizziness, and no matter how blackened the sky is, it’s awesome. PINK CHAMELEONS – Black Sky

With intensity at a furious pace about secrets you wish you had heard earlier and now like this afterwards you realize you have to hear the song again. And again. THE SEA GHOULS – Replacer

THEE CHA CHA CHAS: Temple Of Mirth
Classic garage rock banger that stands on its own two feet without any problems and will get your feet stomping to the beat if you’re not already dancing… THEE CHA CHA CHAS – Send Help

SLICERRR: Losing My Grip
Wonderful bass-driven garage punk with great energy that makes you bounce and you can’t almost sit still, but it’s easy to lose your grip on the floor… SLICERRR – Losing My Grip

With calmly lingering drums and spiky guitar in a banger that, with hard punchy lyrics, can give rise to glory days beyond the ordinary. Believe me. JAMIE PERRETT – Glory Days

NICHOLAS BURGESS: What? Right here? In Broad daylight?
With electro beats and a punk attitude in a banger that probably won’t appeal to everyone, but you don’t want to either. Only here. In broad nightlight. NICHOLAS BURGESS – What? Right here? In Broad daylight?

WASH WASH: Emma Watson
Energetic punk that hits you like a slap in the solar plexus at full speed and if you don’t get floored then you might as well listen to the music. And Emma. WASH WASH – Emma Watson

JONATHANN HULTÉN: Eyes Of The Living Night
Dreamy and fabulous behind veiling foaming tones, I am enchanted and slowly follow into the densest corners of the mists, totally seduced and captivated. JONATHANN HULTÉN – Falling Mirages

DAY RESIDUE: I Love What You´ve Done With The Place
Death punk with a punky attitude that paints a terrifying picture through black smoke curtains for those who don’t like bugs, but the song is great. DAY RESIDUE – Bugs Everywhere

KAPUT: Sucker
Intense post-punk that with artful elements rushes forward as if there is no turning back, while at the same time making you wonder about me… KAPUT – Sucker