In a beautifully sung piece at a slow tempo, the shadows grow long while I enjoy rapturously with my eyes closed until even you open your eyes and ears. TONY VAZ – Strangers

With a nice tempo, it goes on like a locomotive in post-punk land, and even though the distortions are few, I can hardly believe my ears how much I like it. JELLEPHANT – Distortions

With eerie sound effects and a nice punk drive, they make me fall so that I scream with rapture like a happy visitor in the amusement parks ghost tunnel… NASTY NEIGHBOURS – Tunnel Of Terror

With small means, they make awesome music that swings and is easy to be fascinated by if you, like me likes it when it’s rough and completely delightful. LONNIE WALKER: Pissin’ Of The Scene

In a nuanced punk banger with post-punk vibes, they reach out through the noise and I really hope they get the attention they deserve… NEGATIVE GEARS – Attention To Detail

Some punk songs can make you feel insanely eager to derail and freak out and do something crazy, but I come to my senses and just shake loose and dance. STEREO DEATHRAY – Psycho

With drooling lips I wait for a sweet moment and get the same through their hot vocals and my ears and when they tell me what to say I’m longing already… HERLY BERLY – Say My Name

If, against all odds, I ever get locked in a parking garage, I hope I hear this raw, brutal garage punk until I get out…and afterward, I hope it continues… CITRIC DUMMIES – Trapped In A Parking Garage

About a person’s inner chaos during a superficial party set to music with sparse guitars and buzzing synths at the end, which becomes sweet music to my ears. DEATH BY GONG – Troy Toy