Noise explosion that in its splendor manages to make this punk banger sound like sweet music to my ears about a cute boy and that’s not bad. SEX MEX – Pretty Boy

Atmospheric and fine-tuned in a dreamy piece. The song is almost gently driven forward, which in itself does not prevent anyone from being madly delighted… VINCENT BAHAR, RÅÅ – Raven Heartbreak

If garage rock is what gets you going, watch out, here’s something to sink your teeth into. Great shut-up rock to just sit and enjoy, if you’re able to sit still… THE SPEED SPIRITS: Watch Out

Suggestive and industrial through mists, they wash over me in a brilliant way that becomes so impactful that the more you listen, the wetter you become. THE FAMILY MEN – Radiation

It is with an alternative punk piece that they deliver their pop that with mystery and uniqueness makes us feel like doing what we want, i.e. listen more! DEARTHWORMS – Strike Low

If conspiracy theories and other things we went through during the pandemic can become great beautiful music. Soft and jazzy. Enjoy yourself. Day by day. KATHERINE PERKINS – Day By Day

A transformation number with brain problems is conveyed via electronic punk and when the soundwaves reach my ears I become a fan. With or without TV. PETROCHEMICALS – TV Turns My Brain To Mush

About the frustration, anger, and trauma that arose through the work to support the homeless during the pandemic, reflected in a brutal punk rock banger. THE MENSTRUAL CRAMPS – Antagonistic

So cruel is the least that can be said about this insanely good piece that makes superheroes go bananas on the dance floor while others just gape in fascination. LAMPARD – So Cruel