Folk trash rock’n’roll with a punk attitude and a sway that no one walks past without having wiggled their hips I would say but you can call it what you like. ANGRY ZETA – Your Uncles Tune

Armed to the teeth and with heart attack-threatening synthpunk, they brighten my life and should do the same for yours but who am I to tell you to listen? NICHOLAS BURGESS , D.E.N.I.S. – Teeth For Eyes

Noise explosion that in its splendor manages to make this punk banger sound like sweet music to my ears about a cute boy and that’s not bad. SEX MEX – Pretty Boy

Atmospheric and fine-tuned in a dreamy piece. The song is almost gently driven forward, which in itself does not prevent anyone from being madly delighted… VINCENT BAHAR, RÅÅ – Raven Heartbreak

If garage rock is what gets you going, watch out, here’s something to sink your teeth into. Great shut-up rock to just sit and enjoy, if you’re able to sit still… THE SPEED SPIRITS: Watch Out

Suggestive and industrial through mists, they wash over me in a brilliant way that becomes so impactful that the more you listen, the wetter you become. THE FAMILY MEN – Radiation

It is with an alternative punk piece that they deliver their pop that with mystery and uniqueness makes us feel like doing what we want, i.e. listen more! DEARTHWORMS – Strike Low

If conspiracy theories and other things we went through during the pandemic can become great beautiful music. Soft and jazzy. Enjoy yourself. Day by day. KATHERINE PERKINS – Day By Day

A transformation number with brain problems is conveyed via electronic punk and when the soundwaves reach my ears I become a fan. With or without TV. PETROCHEMICALS – TV Turns My Brain To Mush