When fragility and wistfulness go hand in hand and are accompanied by a tiny guitar, it’s time to fall in love. Don’t fall asleep, ’Cause if you do, you’ll miss it. JACKIE WEST – Tiny Flowers ii

Garage punk rock with a twist beautiful frenzy and repetitive chorus makes me want to give myself to any floor as long as you can dance on it. GGGREMLINNN – Same Fate

Acoustic guitar and a soft hoarse voice are easy to be enchanted by as the melancholy rubs the ears, then you immediately get the hope that they will stay. AMAUNET – Ship Wont Leave

When a slap knocks you out like a Danish skull with joy and pleasure in your body and ears, the desire to shake loose on the first best dance floor increases. BBQT: Nod Out

Garage Poppy rock that with varied playing charms with doom lyrics that take me all the way down but I join the cult and reach the top with the song. CHEMTRAILS – Join Our Death Cult

With a nice whistling part in a soft singer/songwriter piece, you pass twilights in search of an elevated feeling to experience again. One listening away. CASSINELLO Feat. CARLOTA CREY – My Latest Souvenir

Lust filled punky power pop it’s hard to sit still to, and if you like garage-punky horror rock from Southern Sweden, this is not far away… NO TEARS – Same old Story

When all is lost, the road back can begin with ears open to beautiful music played with hopeful melancholy and continue with a silent prayer to hear more. RÅHYPNOS – Song For The Journey

Lovely banger with attitude and if you’re not caught up in their energy you’ll have to look elsewhere but this should be enough for most people. LEIPZIG – From Paris To Cisokan