Beautifully enervating punk that you could say has all the right, and if you don’t get that you should probably still ask yourself what went wrong. CHERRY CHEEKS – What Went Wrong?

We travel through passages of post-punk, dark jazz, and krautrock at varying tempos in this wonderfully noise-rock banger, which is a great instrumental. ZAHN – Zehn

Without struggling for speed, a nice punk banger is delivered in a vicious style that makes you wonder what we will do with this. Shake off? Dance? Of course. TV DEATH – Village Mentality

If a psychedelic fuzzy piece slips in a bit like that from the side and if you just as me, like it, you don’t have to resist. Enjoy and let it slide… IN THE PINES – Le It Slide

If you can imagine having your ears run over by a madman with a strange movement pattern, this is the right tune to get high from, preferably repeatedly. HARIGUEM ZABOY – This Kind Of Meth (Make You Confess)

In a muted key with a dark bassline, I am delighted by this wonderfully swinging piece that matches my and my girlfriend’s mood swings. THEO VANDENHOFF – Temper

Beautifully calm post-punk that sometimes breaks loose and increases in speed and blackness just like any escalating lie, which I like, and that’s true. IOANA IORGU – Liar

With porky bass and heavy swing in a foggy coal-colored contemporary dystopia, I get a strangely nice feeling and then you know something is right… STRUCTURES – Strange Feeling

A day without end would be fantastic if you could hear this fantastic music and even if it rains, it doesn’t matter, you enjoy it like crazy anyway. THE COWBOYS – Raining Sour Grapes