TUBE ALLOYS: Magnetic Point

With punk hammering drums and vocals about apathy, they’re ready to strike and it’s only a matter of time until they drum in the message and you’re a fan. TUBE ALLOYS – Apathy

LOVE DID THIS: Dog Or The Bone

A slightly odd piece that, with fairly small means, makes my legs jerk along in the pop swing and dance a little embarrassed with the dog in a dark corner. LOVE DID THIS, CHRISTIAN RAMIREZ: Dog Or The Bone

BLACK MEKON: Buhlak Me Kong

Cruel swamp blues meeting dirty noises in a back alley where cowards only go with a gun to the temple is not wrong as long as the loud feedback swings. BLACK MEKON – Buhlak Me Kong


In the dissatisfaction with oneself and the events of life, an odd pop piece is played and a desire to be in someone else’s shoes arises while I dig. Shaking. EGYPTIAN BLUE – Skin


I’ve seen the light, but it’s through post-punk ears in the twilight of fog that you hear the nuances that accompany the backlight I’m for. VERSING – Diamond Light


Delicious energetic alternative punk that doesn’t apologize gets your brain spinning so I’m not sure if it’ll ever be the same again, but I like the feeling. HOTWAX – Drop

GHOULIES – Euro Tour Slip

With the pitch cranked up and the volume at maximum, I get floored and could need help getting up, and then I’m closest to myself, but the music helps. GHOULIES – Self Help

FLAT WORMS - Sigalert

When controlled chaos and beautiful noises are tied together and pumped up with intervening moments of disturbance and other sounds, it can be brutal. FLAT WORMS – Sigalert

THE PRIZE: First Sight

Sometimes I wonder, yes, I can’t stop thinking about how good power pop this is, but before I tell you, you’ll have first to listen yourself. THE PRIZE – First Sight

WATER FROM YOUR EYES: Everyone’s Crushed

Exuberant bubbling to a fragile voice somewhere that captures interest and sometimes a stolen piano is heard and then you’re already hooked. WATER FROM YOUR EYES – Out There