White lies have never been my thing. …until now. Thus, this stunning frenzy and the drive that makes it completely irresistible. Honestly. SATANIC TOGAS – White Lies

Fast-paced post-punk banger that borders on industrial rock, and if you’re inclined in that direction, there’s no doubt about it. Listen and dig. STRUCTURES – Pigs

About a robber in purgatory and what he gets to do while I listen and enjoy, and if it can happen to me, it can happen to you. Preferably again and again… ETHAN P. FLYNN – Abandon All Hope

With a sharp eye for good punk you get far and if you have your ears with you, just listen and you’ll find the goodies without a map. Awsome! AXIS: SOVA – Hardcore Maps

Absolutely wonderful punk pop that charms with a simple chorus and can make anyone go bananas, uglydance, and sing along with total unrestrainedness. THE RELLIES – Monkey

Insane indie rock with the ability to touch and if you can’t bear to hear it, there is obviously no other way out than to listen to this first… THE PLEASURE DOME – Insane

Cozy indie for everyone with fear of the future and those without fear of the same, but make sure to keep your head on the shaft so you don’t miss a thing. SWANSEA SOUND – Keep Your Head On

With cocky stompy punk, they make me monotonously bounce up and down smiling happily while the sweat pours, but what will the after-effect be? TAXI GIRLS – After Effect

Imagine someone else and their problems and struggles in an excellent alternative pop song that pleases you at a leisurely pace and that’s what you get. THE GURU GURU – Saint-Tropez