Great energetic garage-punky rock with a chorus that sticks like velcro and you hear it’s real so this is something you don’t want to miss. VELCROS – Secret State

Beautiful punk banger that lets you dance between wild and dangerous and afterwards you can feel like a queen or just a little vicious. THE OXYS – Mr. Horrible

In a slow song with a nice, casually sloppy singing, I become so enthralled that the dream would be to be stung by a killer bee before the song ends. WIREHEADS – Killer Bee

With a rarely-seen drive in a somewhat monotonous road trip-like speed banger that leaves the rock’n’roll smoke behind, it’s easy to get excited. MOTORBIKE – True Method

With slightly eerie tones in a half-dark piece, there is the possibility of decision anxiety for the shillyshally, but you decide yourself. Yes or no? I believe it’s a… CUMGIRL8 – Gothgirl1

Blues-Folk music that sounds just as old-fashioned and authentic as you want it to be. As adult music should. Not childish, then. …Or? THE WILLIAM LOVEDAY INTENTION – Driving That Thing

Lovely rock to run to but of course suitable for many other occasions but then the feeling is not as authentic or what do you say? KING SIZE: You Got Me Running Away

When garage-punk pop has an intense beat that pumps on to lovely whimsy and attitude-heavy vocals, it’s concretely easy to just like. MIRANDA AND THE BEAT – Concrete

Raw twisted electro punk with a catchy chorus may be the best you’ll hear for a long time, so today it’s important that you listen to what I have to say… URBAN JUNIOR – Today